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o2 avoids water losses due to evaporation up to 80% per month

o2 is an efficient aid
for water savings in water supplies:
Agricultural, Mining, Sanitary and Energy.

Avoid losses due to evaporation of water, helping to mitigate the effects of climate change.


_Reduce water loss due to evaporation
_KPI: Cost of m3


More water available for your operation.


Better water use with a focus on sustainability and better corporate social management.

o2 is an Amphipathic Monolayer
o2 is poured over the water surface to reduce losses due to evaporation And, also control the proliferation of micro algae.

It always remains in the water surface since it does NOT mix, it does NOT leave traces.
Its use is monthly. It is colorless and odorless.

Circular Economy
We reuse o2 containers

Evaporation Blocker

Reduces water losses through evaporation by 50% to 80% per month to Any type and size of reservoirs .

Micro Algae Control

The permanent use of o2 prevents up to 70% the proliferation of micro algae: which is relevant in water filters, and irrigation systems. It also improves color and smell of the water.

Leaves no footprints

Surface monolayer which stats in the surface of water. It DOES NOT mix with water. It evaporates, leaving no residues or traces in the water.

Evaporation Blocker

Reduces water losses through evaporation by 50% to 80% per month to Any type and size of reservoirs .

Micro Algae Control

The permanent use of o2 prevents up to 70% the proliferation of micro algae: which is relevant in water filters, and irrigation systems. It also improves color and smell of the water.

Leaves no footprints

Surface monolayer which stats in the surface of water. It DOES NOT mix with water. It evaporates, leaving no residues or traces in the water.

Data SheetSafety SheetCustom Code and Pallet

Circular Economy
We reuse o2 containers

– Water Footprint

The water footprint it’s an environmental indicator that defines the total volume of fresh water used to produce the goods and services we usually use. This necessary variable indicates the costs of water to produce a product.

The indicator named “Water Foodprint” (HH) , tries to make up for this deficiency, seeking to assess the level of appropiation and impact of water resources, in the production of a good or provision of a service that is required along the entire production chain, including the calculation of raw materials.

This Calculation is established in a modular way, wich would be to include the needs of water consumption and use, for each stage of the production, from the origin to the final consumer.

02 company will deliver the HH seal to all companies and clients that are committed in reducing their water footprint. This seal may be used in your communication channels, website, labels, etc. As a concrete testimony of the commitment with the sustainability of the planet.

Joining wills
for a more sustainable planet

Easy to use

The way of use is very simple: just pour o2 in several points of the stockpile downwind, in minutes the product is already homogenized on top of the water surface.

The container is 5 liters. It must be shaken for 3 minutes before applying.

Volume of o2 required
for every 1.000 m2 of water surface:

v/s other alternatives


Compliance with Standards

o2 does not leave a residue in the water, it does NOT mix with the water and it does NOT leave traces in the water. In other words, the monolayer always remains at the surface level.

o2 in the recommended doses complies with the norms that regulate water for irrigation, Chilean Norm NCh 1333, Aguas Residuales NCh 2313, and Standart Methods for the examination of Water and Wastewater 23th Edition 2017.

Based on this, the water treated with o2 can be used in water for sanitary, agricultural, mining and energy use.


First place environmental innovation recognition 2020
Selected Top 5 of the largest Climate Action Network in Chile
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